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Fast-Track Your EV Journey with Ohm Charging: Pre-Installation to Rapid Setup

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December 10, 2023


Embrace the future of sustainable transportation with Ohm Charging, where we redefine the EV home charging experience. Our expedited service ensures you can start the installation process even before your EV arrives, guaranteeing that your charger is ready and waiting. With the ability to book in just two minutes and installation completed in under two weeks, we promise speed, convenience, and top-quality service.

Prepping for Your EV: Pre-Installation Services Anticipating your needs, Ohm Charging offers the unique advantage of beginning the installation process before your EV arrives. This proactive approach means you can drive your new EV right into a fully equipped, ready-to-use charging setup at home.

Booking and Installation: A Testament to Efficiency Our streamlined process makes booking effortless. In just two minutes, you can select your charger, schedule installation, and discover eligible rebates. Our team of licensed professionals ensures that your installation is completed swiftly, within two weeks, blending speed with precision and safety.

All-In-One Solution: Hardware, Installation, and Rebates Ohm Charging isn’t just about quick installation; it’s a comprehensive package. We provide top-rated charging hardware, expert installation, and hands-on assistance with rebate applications. This all-encompassing approach saves you time and hassle, making the switch to EV as seamless as possible.

Redefining Home EV Charging Our service is designed for the modern EV owner who values efficiency and quality. By enabling pre-installation and ensuring rapid setup, Ohm Charging stands out as a leader in the home EV charging industry, committed to enhancing your EV lifestyle from day one.

Conclusion With Ohm Charging, you’re not just installing an EV charger; you’re stepping into the future of sustainable mobility. Book in two minutes, install in under two weeks, and enjoy the unparalleled convenience of having your EV charger ready when your vehicle arrives. Choose Ohm Charging for a hassle-free, fast-tracked transition to electric vehicle ownership.